Saturday, January 10, 2015


The professor calls his Christian student to embarrass him in front of the class.

AP: I heard that you believe in God Mr. Believer, can you give me two reasons why you believe in Him?

CS: Why you ask me about my faith sir?

AP: because I don’t believe in God! Because there is no God! That is just a concept invented by religious people.

CS: you mean sir, you believe in an inventor…

AP: yes of course, because God was invented by greedy religious people , just to take advantage from their followers.

CS:  so, do you believe that there is an inventor and designer.

AP:  of course…

CS: but do you believe that the earth, all things around us, including the living things and non living things were designed and created by a genius Creator?

AP: no, they were just result of Big Bang theory, or product of evolution.

CS: really sir?  You mean you are just a product of evolution or Big Bang?

The whole class laugh and continuously listening… 

AP: Don’t mislead me Mr. Believer, whatever you said I will never believe in God! Because God is just a concept created by man!

CS: well sir, if God is just a concept created by man, who create man? 

AP: man was just a product of evolution from monkey!

CS: If I will look at you sir, maybe I will be convinced of what you said.

The whole class laughs again…

AP: you’re not still give your reasons …

CS: If I will give valid reasons, will you believe from me, and accept it?

AP: No! I will never believe it, I will never accept it. I just want to prove to you that there is no God!

CS: so, since you will not believe in me, whatever kind of reasons I will give to you will be useless,  it is better for me to listen from you... perhaps I will change my mind…

The professor smiled and he thought that he might convince his student that there is no God. And the whole class is listening.

AP: If there is God, why there is rampant injustice and wickedness? They said that their God is holy, He hates evil and wickedness, but since there is rampant wickedness and injustice therefore there is no God!

CS: It doesn’t mean that if there is rampant injustice and wickedness there is no God. The wickedness and injustice was just a result of more evil people chose to do evil than to do the will of God.  If all people will follow the will of God there will be no wickedness and injustice. Because people that follow the will of God will be holy as well, because God is Holy! We cannot disregard His existence because of the evilness of more people ignoring God.

AP: if there is God, why there are more terrorists who killed and beheaded more Christians in the Middle East? And if there is God why He did not save these helpless Christians?

CS: True Christian never fears in physical death to prove their faith to God. God did not spare them from the hands of terrorists because God prepare them a best place in heaven.

AP: [the AP laughs] that is foolishness class! Is there anybody saw heaven? Experienced to be there in heaven? There is no scientific evidence that there is life after death, and scientific evidence about heaven, only your dumb book [Holy Bible] said that! Faith to God! What a foolishness! Life after death and heaven were just a man made concept!

CS: man created by God in His own image, God is eternal, if man created from the image of God, man intended to be eternal, and life after death is eternal. That is the plan of God to man, to be eternal not to be like animals that there is no eternity because they don’t have second life. If God is eternal His place will be also eternal and it is called heaven. If man has no second life, man has no difference from animals because animals have no life after death they will just return to dust.

AP: I am not still convinced, because that is not scientific evidence that is just a Dogma from your religion. That is just a man made concept.

CS: Sir, is man made concept wrong? How about your lessons? The bunch of theories and equations you gave to us, aren’t they a man made concept?

AP: of course they were man made concept product of scientific discoveries, proven by a decade of tests and experiments. 

CS: therefore man made concept is not wrong. But, life after death and heaven is not a concept, it is truth revealed by God to man faithful to Him. It was proven by thousands of years of experienced by faithful people who saw signs and wonders and miracles, they been healed from incurable disease,  they been free from enslave of sins and vices, criminals become man of God, thieves become honest and proud wealthy man become humble and live a simple life. This faith turns sinful people to pursue a life guided by God not by science. You can verify the results from Christian community if you are interested, but you cannot verify it by your science. Besides your science is very young to understand our faith to God. Your science cannot create miracle but our faith enable miracles.

AP: What a foolish faith! How can I believe to your God, if I cannot see Him, I cannot touch Him, and if I cannot experience Him?!

CS: Therefore sir, we are all foolish students here, because how we should believe in you, if we cannot see your brain, touch your brain, and if we cannot experience your professionalism?
AP: You must respect and believe in me! Because I am your professor, I am graduated from engineering with doctorate degree; there were many professionals out there, they become successful engineers because they believe in me!

It seems that the professor was felt embarrass... but the class is keep on silent, waiting for unexpected things that might happen..
CS: Therefore sir, all of us must believe in you if we want to graduate and become successful, likewise, if you want to see Him, touch Him, and experience Him you must believe first in Him. All we have to do is to believe sir…

AP: Don’t trick me with your foolish arguments! Whatever you say I will never believe in God! Of course you must believe in me, it’s obvious that I have a brain, you can see it by X-RAY, CT SCAN, and you can examine the activities of my brain through EEG!  

CS: If we have many man made devices to examine, and monitor our brain activities sir, God give us also a device to see Him, magnify him, and experience Him through faith! If microorganism can be seen through microscope and it can be magnified into thousand times, God can be seen through our faith, and we can magnify Him through our faith! All you have to do sir is to use your faith in God. You must have faith in Him. We may ignore you as our professor, yet we cannot change the truth that you are a professor, if we will ignore you we will be the one to suffer in the future, likewise if you will ignore God and His existence you will be the one to suffer in the future. Use your device to see Him, magnify Him, and experience Him, use your faith sir! I know you have faith in yourself, just extend it to Him. The device is in our hand all we have to do is to use it properly, we must use our faith properly sir…

The bell rang and the professor dismissed his class, the Atheist Professor look for another chance to convince his Christian Student that there is no God, but he is also thinking on how to use his wisdom and science just to prove that there is no God. Unfortunately all them are not enough to disprove the existence of the Creator of the Universe.

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