Friday, January 9, 2015



To encourage the hearers to live by faith in spite of the troubles and persecution.


Many people expect that life of a Christian is easy and safe. But that is the view and expectation of the people who does not really know the deep meaning of Christianity. The author of the Book of Hebrews said, “It is impossible to please God without faith”, therefore if we really want to please God we have to be faithful to Him.

Being faithful is not easy, it is not a task but a character that must survive and rise out from the difficult environment. Christians are still living in this world, but the world is getting worst. Unfortunately it is not favorable for the Christian, because there is opposition; persecution and suffering that challenge the faith of every Christian. From the book of Hebrews, we have so many things that we can learn in terms of troubles, great persecutions and faith of early Christians.

Let us find out together from the Book of Hebrews 10:32-39 and learn from the following verses.

TEXT: Hebrews 10:38
 “But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.” 

How can we live by faith?



Hebrews 10:32-35 – “Remember those early days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecutions; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded.”

Early Christians are not exempted from conflict and troubles

Life of a Christian is not easy and comfortable; of course it is not life of asceticism or masochism. Early Christians face different conflict and troubles against unbelievers. These are the jealous religious leaders, and insecure political leaders.  They been treated as cult, their rights been denied to them. They were treated as an enemy of religious leaders and sometimes an enemy of the community where they belong.

Early Christians suffered public humiliation and insult, and continuous persecution. Sometimes they been imprisoned even they were innocent, just because of their faith. (Acts 8: 1-3). Because their faith is different from their former religion.

They were joyfully accepted the troubles and persecutions

Early Christians were persecuted, imprisoned, and their properties been confiscated they were able to accept the situation joyfully. Because they believe that they have a better and lasting possessions compare with the confiscated properties, they were not attached to those material things. They long for a lasting and better possession in heaven. Today, as a Christian we must have the same mindset.

Reward is intended for those who have confidence in God

The confidence in God will be richly rewarded, but our confidence in God will be tested by the troubles and persecutions, we must not be weary if we suffered persecution and troubles because of our faith, because if we found that we are still faithful in spite of different sufferings, we are deserve to be rewarded.

Like Apostle Paul, he was very confident that he will receive the crown of righteousness. (2Timothy 4:8)


Hebrews 10: 36–39

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For,
“In just a little while,
he who is coming will come
and will not delay.”
“But my righteous one will live by faith.
And I take no pleasure
in the one who shrinks back.”

But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.

Christians who persevere will receive the promise of God

Early Christian holding to the promise of God and their present situation is not the basis on pursuing the will of God. They knew that they must continue to persevere so that they will accomplish the will of God. It is an exhortation to continue to hold in their faith in the world full of persecution, opposition and troubles. They did not suffered because of their wickedness, but they suffered because they were surrounded by wicked people not believing in true God and Lord. But in the end they will received what God promised to them.

There are many men of God that do not receive the promise they claimed, but they continue to be faithful, because God had something better for them. (Hebrews 11:39-40).

God promised Abraham that he will become great nation (Genesis 12:2), but not happened during his time but to his grandson Jacob; the nation Israel consists of twelve tribes from the twelve sons of Jacob (Genesis 49:28).

Not all promises will be fulfilled during our time, but surely will happen to our next generation.

Righteous will live by Faith

Hebrews 10:37-38
“In just a little while,
he who is coming will come
and will not delay.”
“But my righteous one will live by faith.
And I take no pleasure
in the one who shrinks back.”

This verse from Book of Hebrews 10:38was quoted from book of Prophet Habakkuk 2:4. Let us examine briefly why does this verse was written.

Short Background: Prophet Habakkuk complain about suffering of righteous people from rampant injustice and violence in Judah (Southern Kingdom), (Habakkuk 1:1-4) but God answered that He will use the wicked people (Babylonians) to punish the Jews in his time. But this wicked people (Babylonians) will be punished more than what they did to the righteous remnant (Habakkuk 2:1-20).
Another complains of Prophet Habakkuk is about the suffering of the righteous people from the hand of wicked people (Habakkuk 1:12-2:1). But God response to Prophet Habakkuk, “…but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness”.(Habakkuk 2:4)

Early Christians suffered persecutions and troubles, like in the time of Prophet Habakkuk; they must live by faith, because troubles and suffering will revel of what kind of faith they have.
Genuine faith in God will revel, and true Christian will arise not from the comfortable environment or friendly neighborhood but it will be from hostile world, full of troubles and suffering. That is why God said “But my righteous one will live by faith”.

The world is  not getting better for Christians, but God expected that the Christians will continue to pursue righteousness by living in faith, surely they will not be contaminated of the sick world because they will be continue to become the light of this world.


Early Christians suffered so much oppositions and persecutions, but they endured it and continue to persevere because they have a genuine faith. Gold can be tested its purity if it will be put into fire, while genuine faith can be tested its authenticity  if it will passed to different persecutions and troubles.
In the midst of troubles and persecution, and sometimes public humiliation and unlawful confiscation of their properties, still true Christian will find joy in their faith, because they knew that they suffered by fulfilling the will of the Living God.

Hebrews 10:39 – “But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.”

We are not the people who turn back from God and destroyed because of suffering and persecutions, we are Christians that will live by faith if we face troubles, oppositions and persecutions. We must live by faith and continue to obey the will of God.

Now, if you are facing troubles, problems, persecutions, or maybe rejection from your love ones and neighborhood, that is not new, early Christians suffered too. God is encouraging you right now, to live by faith.

NIV Bible Study

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